Foto: Jakov Simović

Vetropark „Krivača“ investicija u zelenu energiju vredna 155 miliona evra

U partnerskom projektu, kompanija MK Group i slovenački investicioni fond Alfi Green Energy Fund ulažu 155 miliona evra u vetropark „Krivača“. Izgradnja je počela krajem prošle godine, a njen završetak planiran je za kraj 2023. godine.

„Krivača” je prvi vetropark koji će biti izgrađen u Istočnoj Srbiji, a prostiraće se na 56 km² na teritoriji opštine Golubac. Sa kapacitetom od 105,6 MW i 22 vetroturbine, godišnje će proizvoditi 310 GWh zelene struje. To je ekvivalent snadbevanju oko 75.000 domaćinstava i smanjenju emisije ugljen dioksida za oko 115.000 tona godišnje.

Mihailo Janković, generalni direktor MK Group istakao je: „MK Group godinama unazad ulaže u obnovljive izvore energije, a dugoročna strategija kompanije je dalje širenje u ovoj oblasti. Kroz samostalna i kroz partnerska ulaganja radimo na razvoju projekata korišćenja energije vetra ukupnog kapaciteta preko 320 MW, kao i solarne energije kapaciteta 660 MW, što su investicije vredne blizu milijardu evra planirane u narednih pet godina“.

Ponosni smo što smo deo zelene tranzicije Adria regije. Kao najveći investicioni fond za obnovljive izvore energije u regionu, Alfi Green Energy Fund ima ambiciozne planove za razvoj i izgradnju novih vetroparkova i solarnih elektrana u celoj Jugoistočnoj Evropi, što će doprineti dekarbonizaciji i većoj sigurnosti u snabdevanju zelenom energijom”, rekao je Suvad Bajrić, direktor ALFI Renewables.

Finansiranje vetroparka Krivača predstavlja veliku prekretnicu za energetski sektor Srbije i nadamo se da će uslediti još ovakvih značajnih koraka kako bi se proširila uloga obnovljive energije u Jugoistočnoj Evropi. Realizacija Krivače bila je moguća samo zahvaljujući snažnoj posvećenosti svih strana, uključujući investitore, banke, savetnike, kupca električne energije, dobavljača turbina i mnogih drugih“, prokomentarisao je Volfgang Hargasner, direktor korporativnih finansija Erste Group, koja je kao glavni kreditor i agent organizovala i strukturirala transakciju.

Značaj ove investicije prepoznale su čak četiri bankarske grupacije, koje su partneri na projektu u segmentu finansiranja: Erste Group Bank AG i Erste Bank a.d. Novi Sad, Raiffeisen Bank International AG i Raiffeisen banka a.d. Beograd, NLB d. d. i NLB Komercijalna banka a.d. Beograd, i OeEB.

Vetroturbine koje će biti instalirane u „Krivači“ isporučiće nemačka Nordex grupa, jedan od najvećih svetskih proizvođača, čiji je ovo prvi projekat u Srbiji. Ovo je ujedno prvi projekat obnovljive energije u zemlji koji uključuje komercijalni ugovor o kupovini električne energije (PPA – power purchase agreement), a zaključen je sa švajcarskim proizvođačem i trgovcem energijom AXPO.

Šef odeljenja za Zapadnu i istočnu Evropu kompanije AXPO, Domeniko Franćeskino, rekao je ovim povodom: „Zadovoljstvo nam je što stojimo iza ugovora koji unapređuje energetsku tranziciju i podržava borbu protiv klimatskih promena. Ovo jeste prvi PPA ugovor u oblasti energije iz obnovljivih izvora u Srbiji, ali svedoci smo da sve veći broj kompanija želi da dugoročno kupuje električnu energiju iz obnovljivih izvora kao deo svojih strategija održivosti“.

Vetropark „Krivača“ koji realizuju MK Group i investicioni fond Alfi Green Energy Fund je projekat kojim se pruža snažna podrška ostvarenju cilja Vlade Republike Srbije da se učešće energije iz obnovljivih izvora do 2040. godine poveća na najmanje 40 odsto, a ujedno, u pitanju je važan korak u regionalnoj tranziciji ka zelenoj energiji.


The Wind Farm Krivača an Investment in Green Energy Worth 155 Million Euros

Belgrade, 3 February 2023 – MK Group and the Slovenian investment fund Alfi Green Energy Fund are investing 155 million euros in the Krivača wind farm. Construction of this joint venture project began at the end of last year, and the wind farm is expected to be fully operational at the end of 2023.

Krivača is the first wind farm to be built in Eastern Serbia, covering 56 km2 of the Municipality of Golubac. With a capacity of 105.6 MW and 22 wind turbines, it will be producing 310 GWh of green electricity annually. This is equivalent to supplying about 75,000 households and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by about 115,000 tons per year.

Mihailo Janković, CEO of MK Group, pointed out: “MK Group has been investing in renewable energy sources for years and our long-term strategy is further expansion in this area. We are working on the development of wind energy projects with a total capacity of over 320 MW, as well as solar energy with a capacity of 660 MW, which are investments worth close to one billion euros planned for the next five years, which we are realizing through joint ventures and solo investments”.

We are proud to be part of the green transition of the Adria region. As the largest investment fund for renewable energy sources in the region, Alfi Green Energy Fund has ambitious plans for the development and construction of new wind farms and solar power plants throughout Southeast Europe. This will contribute to decarbonization and greater security in the supply of green energy,” saidSuvad Bajrić, Managing Director of ALFI Renewables.

“The financing of the Krivača wind park marks a major milestone for Serbia’s energy landscape and we are hopeful that more such landmark steps will follow to expand the role of renewable energy in Southeastern Europe. Realizing Krivača was only possible due to the strong commitment of all involved parties, including the investors, banks, advisors, the power offtaker, the turbine supplier, and many others”, commented Wolfgang Hargassner, Head of Corporate Finance of Erste Group, which as the main creditor and agent organized and structured the transaction.

The importance of this investment was recognized by four banking groups, which are financing the project: Erste Group Bank AG and Erste Bank a.d. Novi Sad, Raiffeisen Bank International AG and Raiffeisen bank a.d. Beograd, NLB d. d. and NLB Komercijalna banka a.d. Beograd, and OeEB – the Development Bank of Austria.

The wind turbines to be installed in “Krivača” will be supplied by the German Nordex Group, one of the world's largest manufacturers of wind turbines, whose first project in Serbia is this undertaking. This is also the first renewable energy project in the country including a commercial power purchase agreement (PPA), which was concluded with the Swiss renewables’ producer and trader AXPO.

Domenico Franceschino, Head Origination West & East Europe of AXPO said on this occasion: “ We are pleased to facilitate yet another landmark agreement which advances the energy transition and supports the fight against climate change. While this is the first renewable PPA in Serbia, we are seeing an increasing number of companies seeking to purchase long-term electricity from renewable energy sources as part of their sustainability strategies“.

The Krivača wind farm, implemented by MK Group and Alfi Green Energy Fund, is a project that provides strong support in achieving the goal of the Government of the Republic of Serbia to increase the share of energy from renewable sources to at least 40 percent by 2040, and at the same time, it is an important milestone in the regional transition to green energy.