Usled štrajka zaposlenih u bezbednosnoj kontroli na aerodromu u Berlinu u Nemačkoj, koji je najavljen za sutra (ponedeljak, 24. april 2023. godine), Er Srbija je prinuđena da otkaže letove između Beograda i Berlina JU350 i JU351, planirane za taj dan.

Putnicima sa rezervacijama za letove u ponedeljak između Beograda i Berlina JU350/JU351 poslate su informacije u vezi sa njihovim novim planom leta.

Er Srbija žali zbog promena do kojih je došlo usled štrajka na berlinskom aerodromu i preduzima sve što je u njenoj moći da bi pružila podršku putnicima na navedenim letovima.

Za više informacija, putnici se mole da pozovu Kontakt centar Er Srbije na 0800 111 528 iz Srbije, na +381 11 311 21 23 iz inostranstva, da posete ili stranice Er Srbije na društvenim mrežama.


Flights cancelled due to industrial action of airport services in Berlin

Due to the security staff industrial action at the Berlin airport in Germany, which is announced for tomorrow (Monday, 24 April 2023), Air Serbia was forced to cancel its flights between Belgrade and Berlin, JU350 and JU351, planned for that day.

Passengers with bookings on Monday flights between Belgrade and Berlin JU350/JU351 were sent information regarding their new itinerary.

Air Serbia regrets the changes that have occurred as a result of the industrial action at Berlin airport and is doing everything in its power to provide support to passengers on the mentioned flights.

For more information, passengers are kindly asked to call the Air Serbia Contact Centre at 0800 111 528 from Serbia, at +381 11 311 21 23 from abroad, to visit or Air Serbia's pages on social networks.