Odstupanja od planiranog reda letenja usled kvara sistema za rendgenski pregled prtljaga na beogradskom aerodromu

Usled jutrošnjeg (ponedeljak, 17. jul 2023. godine) kvara sistema za rendgenski pregled prtljaga na novom terminalu aerodroma „Nikola Tesla“ u Beogradu, koji koristi Er Srbija, danas može doći do značajnijih odstupanja od planiranog reda letenja. Promene su nastale tokom jutarnjeg talasa, ali je vrlo moguće da će uticati na posledična fazna kašnjenja tokom čitavog dana i večeri. 

Nadležne službe Er Srbije u neprekidnom su kontaktu sa službama Aerodroma Nikola Tesla Beograd i preduzimaju sve što je u njihovoj moći da se ublaže posledice po putnike i saobraćaj prilagodi novonastalim okolnostima. 

Zbog stvaranja velikih gužvi, putnici se pozivaju da dođu na Aerodrom najmanje dva i po sata pre planiranog poletanja. 

Za više informacija, molimo putnike da pozovu Kontakt centar Er Srbije na 0800 111 528 iz Srbije, na +381 11 311 21 23 iz inostranstva, da posete naš veb-sajt airserbia.com ili naše stranice na društvenim mrežama.


Disruptions due to malfunction of the X-ray baggage inspection system at the Belgrade airport

Due to this morning's (Monday, 17 July 2023) malfunction of the X-ray baggage inspection system at Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport's new terminal, used by Air Serbia, today there may be significant disruptions from the planned flight schedule of airlines departing from the Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport. The changes occurred during the morning wave, but are very likely to result in subsequent phase lags throughout the day and evening.

The competent services of Air Serbia are in constant contact with the services of Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport and are doing everything in their power to mitigate the consequences for passengers and adapt the operations to the new circumstances.

Due to the large crowds, passengers are kindly requested to arrive at the Airport at least two and a half hours before the scheduled departure.

For more information, passengers should call the Air Serbia Contact Centre at 0800 111 528 from Serbia, at +381 11 311 21 23 from abroad, visit our website airserbia.com, or our social media pages.